Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Stan for free ...

To mark the publication of Hive, the eBook version of Stan will be available free, on Amazon, this weekend (Sat 10 October 2015). The offer ends on Monday 12th, so be quick.
Just log on to Amazon this weekend to grab a copy.

Reviews, reviews, reviews

If you like Hive, or even if you don't, do leave a review on Amazon.
Go on - stick your head above the parapet and let your views be known.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Hive is Live

Hive has been published today

Humanity was on the brink. Now it has fallen off and into the void.

The alien parasite, that man's stupidity brought to Earth, is endemic. Every adult is infected. They all have a Voice, the link with their contracted parasite. Everyone is part of the Grid - a telepathic network formed by the parasites.
Except for a few damaged and frightened individuals - the last free humans. They are humanity's only hope.

It's available on all Amazon web sites, as an eBook and in print.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Hive Publication Date

Hive is now finished and ready to go. 

The publication date is 1 October 2015 and can be pre-ordered as a Kindle eBook.
Strangely, it will be available as a paperback before then - don't ask me, ask Amazon ...
Amazon UK 
Amazon USA

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Hive pre-order

Hive is now available to pre-oder (and buy after 1 October) on Amazon UK, and the rest of the Amazon empire.

Hive live on 1 October

Hive will be published on Amazon on October 1st, 2015.
It will be available to pre-order soon. Watch this space.

Monday, 24 August 2015

Hive in proofreading phase

Hive is finished and in the final proofreading phase. It should be published in early October.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

First draft of Hive nearly completed

At 42k words, I'm nearing the finale and the final scenes of Hive. The end-plot is sorted, as is the fates of my characters. Soon, I'll be starting the unenviable task of reviewing and editing.

But while that's going on I can make a start of the followup to FOG.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Progress report for March 2015

Hive is progressing well, after a lull in writing activity. I'm up to 28k words, so about half-way through.

FOG sales have tailed off, but there's still a trickle going out. It's quite exciting that there's 800, or so, people out there who have read and enjoyed (mostly) the words 'wot I wrote'.

I'm also plotting a sequel to FOG - a what-happens-next tale. The preliminary title is Storm.

My good lady pointed out that I seem favour one-word titles. I hadn't noticed, but she's right. It seems right, as well.